Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Operational Security and cookies

I have never read anyone’s blog other than my brother’s and Bakerella, who I highly recommend.  I never thought anyone would want to know what I do every day and then Facebook showed up.  Everyone does want to know.  I am actually interested in the fact that Sue “needs more coffee.”  Why do we like to know this stuff?  I can only conclude that we are just all nosy. 
I guess this blog will be completely random thoughts and my daily life.  It will be obviously be Army stuff or more accurately the impact the Army has on my daily life. When your husband is in the military it isn’t like a normal job.  For example, when I call his office I am instantly told the “line is un-secure “ this always strikes me as funny because heaven forbid if the enemy knows what we are having for dinner. 

Me “Is Millenaar available?” (they never know each other’s first names)
Soldier “Negative ma’am”

If the threat level changes most people don’t pay any attention.  For me, this can be important because I need to allow more time to get to the doctor since there is a greater chance that my suspicious looking minivan might be searched at the gate.  

When I thought of starting this blog as a therapeutic kind of thing I ran it by the Soldier and the conversation went something like this.

Wife –     I am thinking of starting a blog
Soldier – I think that’s great.  I would love for our distant family to be able to get updates about the girls.
Wife –     I want to make sure I don’t put anything on there I shouldn’t say.
Soldier – Just don’t put anything about …. if we’re moving or where we are moving, or what my job entails,     or when I am leaving…if I am leaving (this went on for some time)
Wife –     Never mind. 
Soldier – A good rule of thumb is if you know the person’s parents you can talk to them about “some” things.

So, if you want to follow my blog please e-mail me the names of your parents.

In normal life I have spent the day making peppermint bark and chocolate chip/pretzel cookies.  Both of which are heaven and I have to thank Pinterest.  (Just added that one in spell check)

I am also busy shopping preschools.  What do you look for in a preschool?  Thing 1 is in a great one right now that I found on Google.  Fabulous parenting here folks.  Do you have little pottys close to the floor or will she need to go to Airborne school to use yours?”

Thing 1 and Thing 2 are actually sleeping at the same time so I’ll close by saying …….nothing.  It’s classified.  I could tell you but then I’d have to kill you.

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